The Mapping of Desire


From October 3 @ 12pm

The Mapping of Desire

  • Nicholas Wong
  • Lady Red Ego
  • Jinhao Xie

Moderated by Annie Fan

How does a writer approach questions of gender and sexual identity in this day and age? How do we go about mapping the taboo and voicing unspoken desires? How do we  redraw boundaries, and how can one appreciate the power of naming?

Lady Red Ego is a Chinese/British lesbian writer concerned with intimacies. She has published work in multiple acclaimed anthologies and magazines, including We Were Always Here by QWPS, Crossing Lines by Broken Sleep Books, and Issue 43 of The Dark Horse. Her first pamphlet, The Red Ego, was published in 2019 with Wild Pressed Books and her second pamphlet, Natural Sugars, was published in 2020 by Broken Sleep Books. Her work has also featured in two videos on BBC The Social. You can find her at

Nicholas Wong is the author of Crevasse (Kaya Press, 2015), the winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Gay Poetry, and Besiege Me (Noemi Press, 2021). He is also the recipient of the Australian Book Review’s Peter Porter Poetry Prize. His translation has recently appeared or will appear in Ninth Letter, The Georgia Review, Washington Square Review, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, The Cincinnati Review, Poetry Northwest, and Black Warrior Review. IG: @citiesofsameness.

Annie Fan is currently reading law at Oxford University. Their work has been broadcast by BBC Radio 3 and appears in Ambit, and The Manchester Review, among others. They have been a prizewinner in Tower Poetry, twice, and have won Lancaster University’s prizes for fiction and poetry, as well as being commended twice in Foyle Young Poets.

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