Red Bean Poetry is building upon the success of 2021’s Poetics of Home Festival and continues to shines a light on the work of East Asian diaspora poetry throughout the UK and beyond.

The Poetics of Home Festival was held In collaboration with Wasafiri, Institute of English Studies and promoted via the Oxford Brookes Poetry Centre with the generous support of the Lottery Fund from Arts Council England. It launched a digital Poetics of Home: Chinese diaspora poetry festival in the autumn of 2021 to connect and showcase the diverse works by established and emerging Anglophone poets writing across the Chinese diaspora. 

Through poetry readings and moderated discussions with themes ranging from migration to language and the expression of desire, it promoted the appreciation and understanding of the diverse voices writing across the Chinese diaspora nowadays.

Event partners included the British Chinese Studies Network, SOAS, Asian Review of Books, Asian Cha and others.

2021 Team

Programme & artist liaison – Jennifer Wong

Project management – Elizabeth Robertson & Jennifer Wong

Visual design, identity & marketing – Jinhao Xie

Social media – Laura Jane Lee

Website design – Mike Weston

Advisors – Malachi McIntosh, Robert Hampson, Mary Cooper, Lisa Kiew

Thank you to Wasafiri, Institute of English Studies and Oxford Brookes Poetry Centre for their support and ideas, and our gratitude to our event partners including: British Chinese Studies Network, SOAS, Asian Cha and Asian Review of Books. Our tremendous thanks to Arts Council England (Lottery Fund) for their generous support. Thank you for our advisors too for all their help.